Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oh come all ye married duple (or is it spelt DUPEle)

I was a fool to have thought that it was difficult trying to find Mr. Right and get married. As it turns out, life doesn't get any easier even after you are married. Yes, I finally did get married and am living in that state of denial or the infamous honeymoon period as people would call it.

Not that I regret being married. As it turns out, I actually love the guy. I mean the real love where you want to stand by him no matter what. That kind of love. Revisiting what I said about living in denail, I think I am in that phase now because I seem to think he is perfect in every way.

Now nature does wake you up from your dream every now and then. Have you ever wondered what is it that is going on in his mind when he just sits looking so morose and quiet! As a woman and a drama queen, all hell breaks loose for me when he is in one of those moods. It's like I am being punished for a deadly sin when he says, Nothing!

He insists that I should give him the benefit of a doubt. Well ok..... Let's for once assume I do give him the benifit of a doubt! My only condition is this. I would like the rule to apply both ways. I would like to be left alone with my thoughts too. Somehow when I am in a state of deep contemplation, he starts getting worried because from me, no news, is bad news.

Guys!! Take a break. We spend a considerable amount of time thniking about you. Give us some time to think about.. well.. other things.. like may be that cute friend of yours or what to wear the next time we go out with you, or how we can work a lil more and progress faster in our careers without compromising on time with you or..... oh wait.. see that.. and we are still thinking about you!

Well, it's not all bad. I mean, sitting quiet is not as bad as... well a lot of other thing. I think we can so a complaint a post and just leave this one here.

Happy married life to all ye married duples!!!

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